Help is Always With You – Introducing Your Spirit Guides!


Almost every time I do a reading I get a chance to meet a special group of helpers, my client’s spirit guides. Maybe they don’t always look like Tinkerbell, but their magical presence is always unmistakable.

I have laughed through the years because often when I see them they are lounging around my clients looking bored. This is a clear sign that my client is either unaware of this powerful support team, or has forgotten to ask for their help on a regular basis.

Here’s what I believe from what I’ve seen. Our spirit guides have been with us since we were born, and some even with us through many lifetimes. We also can pick up new guides along the way who come to help us when we have a special focus we’re working on. Our guides are specially suited to help us with whatever we need. They know us inside and out, are our best cheering squad, constantly giving us encouragement and prompting us when we get too far off track. They want to help, it’s what they are here for. This is great news for those of us who can feel alone in the many ups and downs of life.

Believe me you are never alone! 

By following some simple steps you can begin to tune into this vast love and support that is there for you.

In order to tune in to your guides, here are a few simple steps that work well for me:

First, get quiet. We have so much noise and activity in our lives that it can make it pretty hard to feel and hear the spirit world. The energies in the spirit world are much more subtle than those in the daily physical world, and can get drowned out easily, so taking time away to get quiet helps us to begin to attune to this more subtle realm.

Decide that just for the moment you are going to pretend like a child. Feel back into being 4 or 5, and imagine that you have a magical group of invisible friends around you. (Often the invisible friends we had as children were our spirit guides)

Suspend adult judgement for the moment. Imagine this supportive group around you and really feel their presence. Invite them to share with you something about themselves – you may hear a name, maybe see or sense a color or a quality.

Some guides are more serious types and some are light and full of fun. Each of our guides is gifted in a particular way, here to offer us help in different facets of our lives. See if you can sense their different qualities.

Ask a question you’ve been pondering. Maybe this is a problem in your life, something about money or your health, maybe it’s about a creative project. After you ask, be still and listen deeply. See what comes to you.

Trust what you see, hear and feel. When we were little we were closely attuned to the spirit world and our intuition. As we got older, we learned to rely more on logic and we began to doubt ourselves and the spiritual world we once knew so well. It can take some practice to listen to spirit and trust what comes to us.

When you are ready to end your communication with your guides, thank them for connecting with you. Thank them for their steady help, and reassure them that you are going to work on getting to know them better.

Commit to asking your guides for more help everyday.

I assure you that with this simple practice done regularly, you will begin to feel their loving presence more and more.

Isn’t it wonderful to know that we always have help with us at all times?

Stay tuned for upcoming blogs where I will introduce you to some fun ways you can ask your special spirit guides to help you, as well as introduce you to a guide who specializes in helping you to heal and let go of the past, heal your relationships, and come more into who you are, living more fully in the present moment.

If you would like help connecting to your spirit helpers, and would like to hear what juicy advice they have for you, I would love to help. Tuning into spirit helpers and communicating their loving messages to my clients is one of my favorite things to do! You can reach out via email at or via my website at

Enjoy getting to know your magical helpers!

Love and Blessings always, Kristine