Why Having Our Freedom is Cause for Big Celebration!
This coming Thursday in the US we are celebrating our Declaration of Independence when on July 4, 1776 our Congress declared that the original American colonies were no longer subject to Great Britain’s rule. This is an important day in our history and every year we celebrate with fireworks displays in cities across the country. I find it fascinating that many countries have their own days of celebration which mark freedom from some form of oppression, a time when that country stepped into their own autonomy. Freedom is clearly something to be celebrated!
This year I am struck more than before with how incredibly important it is to attend to the meaning of this holiday. With the political institutions all over the world in great upheaval, we are being asked to tune into and live our highest values in our daily lives, setting the way for our “leaders” to follow.
We cannot count on those in charge to lead us but must find our own compass for how we want to behave towards ourselves, others and our precious planet. We are being asked to be our own authority which has everything to do with real Freedom.
Although these times are challenging and often feel like everything is out of control, I believe the call to deepen into who we are and what we stand for as spirits in a body in our lives is the most powerful call of all.
The truth is I have always been a bit of a rebel (just ask my family!) I have always had to find my own way, my own answers, no matter how good the teacher or information was. Although this quality has caused some discomfort for me and those around me, I have seen it is absolutely no accident that I chose the work I do. My work with clients is all about seeing through all the layers of other people’s information (what I call “lies”) in their space. I love helping them release all of this, so that they can return to who they are and what they have come here to do.
Don’t get me wrong. Those who “taught” us their way weren’t bad for doing so (it’s what was done to them) It’s just that when we are living from information that isn’t ours, life can feel pretty hard and unmanageable – a sign we need to take time out to come back home to ourselves.
Coming back into our own energy and tuning into our own certainty, our own wisdom and living from that place feels wonderful because that was our Spirit’s plan all along.
At the beginning of all of my sessions I say a prayer asking for Peace, Love, Hope, Joy and Freedom to come from the work. Each of these qualities of energy are vital but without Freedom none of the others make sense. This is because as Sprit we are based in Freedom, the freedom of choice, freedom to learn and grow. This Freedom is the essence of who we are.
So for this 4th of July wherever you are in the world, choose to take some quiet time to sit and come back into yourself from the busyness of life. Honor your choice to be here as an amazing Spirit in a beautiful body at this exact moment in time. Celebrate the freedom of your spirit to continue to learn and grow from the experience of being human. Celebrate your freedom to release judgements and return to self love in every moment. This is your Truth and no one can ever take this from you.
Know I am wishing for you to always be connected to the spaciousness of the Freedom that is You!