Spiritual Lessons learned from my Grandson

As a clairvoyant I have the privilege daily of being shown many amazing things about our human experience. Entering the special space of a clairvoyant session, connecting with the spirit of another opens us into a totally unique look into the beauty of who we are and what we’re doing here.

One thing I am shown repeatedly is how truly remarkable it is to be alive in a body on this planet. In the hustle and stresses of life we lose touch with this, but when we look more deeply into who we are, the miracle of this life is clearly evident.

I have been learning all of this first hand from my new grandson Case who was born at the end of February. I wanted to share some of what he has taught me in just 2 months.

Certainty – We as spirit come into this life with clear knowing of who we are, our own unique wisdom and gifts, and what we’ve come here to do. This clarity may get covered up by the opinions and “truths” of others but it’s always there to return to and guide us. 

Case came one week late exactly. My daughter had decided to induce labor, and then feeling a strong “no” at the last minute (no doubt coming from him), canceled. She then promptly went into labor anyway. It was clear to us that this little guy was claiming his choice about his own timing and knew precisely what he was doing.

Being You is a Miracle – I am often prompted by Spirit to tell my client, “just think, there is no one being in the Universe like you nor will there ever be again.” It’s hard to really take in what a miracle this truth is. Yes there are always resemblances to family, and we certainly pick up ways of being from others, but essentially we are Us, totally unique as surely as blue is blue and red is red.

Looking into Case’s eyes after he was born I knew I was seeing him at his most essential. There he was, wholly there, already Himself, here to be Himself. All I could feel was a sense of celebration and gratitude for this new being coming here. What would life be like if we felt in each moment this real celebration for who we and others are?

Where we come from is Sacred and Beautiful – of course none of us is sure of where we come from or where we are going after this life. This can be a source of anxiety for many, myself included. We have inklings of different and wondrous dimensions gained from meditation, dreams, and other spiritual experiences, but our daily life offers little opportunity to connect with this. Although my clients come to me for a variety of reasons, at the heart of what is most healing is to know that they are always connected to the invisible, magical world of Spirit. 

Gazing at Case, experiencing his clear eyed wisdom and open hearted presence I feel I am in the presence of a something sacred, a message from another world, a world of Peace and Grace.

Wonder and Learning are our Birthright  – Although as adults we can be burdened by what it means to be “adult”,  and we may lose the joy of exploration, I see in all my sessions that we choose to come into this lifetime in order to learn and grow, and that learning is a joyful experience to both our spirit and body.

From the moment Case was born (and I know now in the womb), he has been taking in and responding to his surroundings, experimenting with making sounds, communicating with his world, moving every part of him in clear enjoyment, learning to use his body and senses (even bobbing to music), watching everything as new. Witnessing this is a reminder to tune back into the openness and curiosity of a child.

We are here for Love, to be Loved and to Love – Again, although clients come in for different reasons, what emerges every time is the need to reconnect to deep and unconditional love for ourselves and others. This is truly what brings us happiness and the courage to be here in this bumpy and wonderful ride.

When I am in Case’s presence I feel love and joy that he is here, that he is perfect, that I am perfect and loved in his presence, that there is hope in the world through this pure love that passes between us. I see this happening in everyone who is around him bringing peace to even the most stressful moments.

These are just a few of the many lessons I will learn from this special little Case, lessons about what is most important to remember on our journey here.


If you are looking at taking some new steps, have been longing to reconnect to your own truth and inner guidance, to what you have come here to do, to the loving and supportive energy of Spirit, and bring in more joy, a clairvoyant reading and flower essence remedy might be just what’s needed.

You can learn more about my work at https://embraceyourradianttruth.com

Connect with me at kristine@embraceyourradianttruth.com or give me a call at 303-443-4348 to set up a free 15 minute chat to explore what you are wanting and how I might be of help.

Love and Magical Blessings, Kristine